We all know that Indonesia is a very conservative country. So, for women of that country, having a tattoo is a big deal. However, the times have changed and now Indonesian society is embracing newer things. The girls in Indonesia are now having tattoos on their bodies. But, some sections of society are still opposing this change. That is why on many occasions, Indonesian girls have tattoos at the places where their parents would not see. But, if you have seen an Indonesian girl with a tattoo, you can rest assured you will find her sexy. So, here are some of the hottest Indonesian girls with tattoo and you must check them out.
1. Yunica Kristina (@icha_peachy)

You will be stunned to see how beautiful Yunica Kristina is. Her sexy body is mesmerising to look at in every pic. Also, what makes her pics look even sexier is her tattoos on her arm, shoulder, and waist. She is one truly sexy Indonesian girl.
2. Miss Riska (@miss.riska)

If you want to see a hot sexy Indonesian girl with a tattoo who is also a fitness freak, then you have to check out Miss Riska. She has over 100k followers on Instagram which reflects her popularity. Her tattoo on her arm is truly wonderful to see.
3. Annastasya Hakim (@annastasya.hakim)

You just have to sit back, watch, and admire Annastasya Hakim. She is really very sexy and her tattoo on her arm makes her look steamier. She has over 391k followers and it is increasing with leaps and bounces.
4. Lidya Kawihing (@lidya_kitty69)

You can say that Lidya’s body is a canvas where tattoo artists created their masterpieces. Well, she looks very sexy and has a hot body which she likes to show off through her Instagram posts. You will have a great time watching her sizzling picture.
5. Shei (@sheiziss)

Most people would enjoy watching pictures of Shei. Her tattoo on her shoulder is truly incredible. As she is a model, her pictures on Instagram reflect her glamour and style immaculately.
6. Miss Erma (@miss.erma)

You just can’t but admit that she has a sexy body. Her tattoo on her shoulder increases her sex appeal quite a lot. Her Instagram pictures are steamier than you can expect. You should check her out.
7. Alana Babex (@alanababex)

When it comes to tattooed models from Indonesia, one has to mention Alana. She is a hot model with sexy tattoos on her back, thighs, and legs. She is probably the ideal example of a tattooed Indonesian model.
8. Putri Cinta (@putriwithlove)

Without any doubt, Putri Cinta is one of the hottest girls in Indonesia. Her sexy pictures on Instagram are very popular and she has around 319K followers there. You can see her gorgeous tattoo on her hips which makes her even sexier.
The Bottom Line
So, these are some of the sexiest tattooed Indonesian models that you should check out on Instagram. Did we miss any one of your favourite tattooed Indonesian models? Then comment below to let us know. We would also check her out!