197 Plugged In
Today, more than ever, I was feeling extremely giddy and super thrilled for the shoot. Not to mention, I had on a sexy new tear-drop shaped anal plug that pressed on my ass nerve endings and cervix with every sudden movement, sending waves of pleasure rippling through. I jumped up and down for a while, and ran down the beach, savouring the feel of the wind against my bra-less boobs and the touch of my tight bikini holding on to my pussy and ass. I wished I weren’t alone, however. I ached for the touch of a hunk guy, caressing my erect nipples and massaging my wet pussy. As I sat down to leave my imaginary lover a sexy note, my mind was working overtime to create the picture of bouncing my sexy ass up and down their hard cock. As I lay down on my inflatable toy, I imagined how good it would feel to have someone behind me, fucking my wet pussy from behind as he pushed the anal plug in and out of my ass. I let my mind wander further out, picturing all the styles we would try out if only you were here with me.
The Scenes

Putri Cinta

Putri Cinta

191 Will You Be Mine?

191 Will You Be Mine?

With Putri Cinta
169 Footsie

169 Footsie

With Putri Cinta
134 Football Fitness

134 Football Fitness

With Putri Cinta & Bella
193 Hoop De Hoop

193 Hoop De Hoop

With Putri Cinta
239 Vagabond

239 Vagabond

With Putri Cinta
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