202 Sparks Fly (Photoset)

While me and Manirat posed for the camera on the beach our bodies kept getting closer and closer for the photos. The awkwardness of modelling together, as not knowing each other for very long, soon completely disappeared as we giggled and rubbed our bodies together and wrapped our hands around each other, while the photographer kept clicking away and suggesting poses. By the time we had shot in the villa and shower, I loved shooting with this girl. I loved it when she would touch my boobs and squeeze my ass. And when she would treat me rough pulling me by my hair. For the whole shoot, I think my pussy was wet and hoping for manirat to accidently slip a few fingers in me.




Putri Cinta

Putri Cinta


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213 Day To Remember (Photoset)

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110 Coconut Galaxy (Photoset)

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139 Palm Beach (Photoset)

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087 Two is Company Part 2 (Photoset)

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052 Slippery when Wet (Photoset)

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