205 Better Together
Catching up with my friends always makes me so happy. Having not seen Ruby for a while, as she has been travelling the globe, we arranged to have a girls day by the pool, gossiping, chatting and catching some rays. Ruby is such a chilled chick, and we are very close and feel very comfortable with each other, so tend to be a bit touchy-feely. It wasn’t a surprise when we were soon swimming naked, laughing and joking and sunning our bare bums.
Behind The Scenes

Putri Cinta

Putri Cinta



279 Splashes of Sunshine

279 Splashes of Sunshine

With Putri Cinta
236 Introducing Danie Jane

236 Introducing Danie Jane

With Danie Jane
189 Lemon Soul

189 Lemon Soul

With Putri Cinta
221 Study Time

221 Study Time

With Fify
203 Introducing Fify

203 Introducing Fify

With Fify
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