209 Tourist in Phuket
Imagine we are travelling together. We go on vacation to Thailand and visit Phuket together. Exploring the area, I ask you if you can take me to visit the beautiful Elephants. I love all animals and elephants are such special creatures. I have the best time splashing about in the ocean with the elephants in my bikini.

You take me a for a beautiful lunch on the beach where we share sushi and fresh coconuts. After you suggest a swim, and a ride on the jet skis, before heading back to our villa for a relaxing swim in the pool. You pull off my bikini in the pool and run your hands all over my body. We lie together on the sunbeds by the pool, before I pull you upstairs to the bedroom.
The Scenes

Putri Cinta

Putri Cinta

211 Secret Beach

211 Secret Beach

With Putri Cinta & Manirat
090 Fitness Freak

090 Fitness Freak

With Putri Cinta
135 Home Alone

135 Home Alone

With Putri Cinta
167 Ocean View

167 Ocean View

With Putri Cinta
284 Lustful Waves

284 Lustful Waves

With Emmy
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