220 Formal Attraction
Sometimes I like to dress up like i’m going to work in an office. I would wear a tight black skirt, that barely covers my bum, long black boots, and a tight top with no bra so you could see my pointy nipples pushing through. Would you like it if I was your boss? Or maybe you’d prefer if I was your secretary, so you could tell me what to do? I would be very obedient and surprise you each day in different outfits!
The Scenes

Putri Cinta

Putri Cinta

311 Wild Angel

311 Wild Angel

With Putri Cinta
176 Peekaboo

176 Peekaboo

With Putri Cinta
201 Rising Tide

201 Rising Tide

With Putri Cinta
100 Making Lemonade

100 Making Lemonade

With Putri Cinta & Tita Sahara
107 Look No Further

107 Look No Further

With Putri Cinta
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