233 Cappadocia
Join me in Turkey, in Cappadocia in my Dodge convertible for the hottest strip tease you ever likely to see. Overlooking the rugged landscape I take off all my clothes apart from my knee high boots.
Behind The Scenes

Putri Cinta

Putri Cinta

283 Sands of Mystery

283 Sands of Mystery

With Putri Cinta
155 In The Tropics

155 In The Tropics

With Putri Cinta
097 Beach Games

097 Beach Games

With Putri Cinta & Melena Maria Rya
289 Lust in the Sun

289 Lust in the Sun

With Putri Cinta
281 Dare to Bare

281 Dare to Bare

With Putri Cinta
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