Women can get pretty complicated, I can tell you that from experience. Sometimes we want one thing, the next moment we want something else, but when it comes to sex, there are certain things that most of us love and want men to do!
Every woman is special in her way, but if you want to score with a top Indonesian model or any other sexy babe, you should work on your game and include the things I’ll be covering below.
Women Love Foreplay

A large number of guys forget about foreplay once they’re sure a girl is going to sleep with them. Foreplay is meant for both partners and women enjoy foreplay as much as men do! Whether it’s oral satisfaction, kissing, an erotic massage or a surprise dinner, women LOVE IT!
Pleasing a woman isn’t as difficult as it sounds. Men usually become afraid and lose confidence when they’re close to a sexy girl. This is one of the most important things when it comes to satisfying a woman because women need a man who knows what he’s doing and isn’t afraid to take initiative. Of course, some women love being dominant, but most of us like it when a man takes the lead. Foreplay is important because women love when they feel that their man is thinking of them and their sexual satisfaction as well! Check out my ‘How To Eat Pussy Like A Pro‘ for more oral sex tips.
Start Slowly And Look For The Signs

In some cases, women want to have quick, passionate sex, but usually, we love starting slowly and speeding up eventually. That way, men last longer as well and women are more likely to cum as well. Some girls need more time to reach climax compared to others that need just a couple of minutes. If a man takes his time during foreplay and prepares his partner well, the time needed to reach the climax can be significantly reduced.
A woman will always show what she likes and doesn’t. If you look for the signs you’ll know exactly when to speed up or be rougher than before.
Talk To Her During Sex

Many men think that talking during sex will kill the mood when it can drastically improve the overall experience. Some men are too cocky and think they know everything and can read a woman during intercourse. No matter whether you have a massive dong or a little technician, it’s important to talk and ask your partner if something feels good or not. You shouldn’t talk non-stop but if you’re unsure whether she likes something or not, ask her.
Whether you’re with your girlfriend or a top Indonesian porn model, she’ll appreciate you thinking of her rather than yourself all the time. You’ll even learn something new because girls can tell you things you never thought about doing during sex. Every woman is different, so you should talk to every girl you sleep with. For more tips on how to use your voice for turning on your women check out my post ‘10 Ways to Turn a Woman on with Just Your Voice 2021‘.
Try Different Positions

When it comes to sex, even the best positions get boring after a while. That’s why it’s important to experiment and try different things with your partner. Experimenting is fun and you should both be open-minded about trying new things. You shouldn’t insist on something you’re not both onboard about, such as a threesome or anal, but the things you both consider sexy.
Role-play can be very interesting and it doesn’t mean that only women should dress up as somebody else. Women have fantasies as well and even though they’re much shyer about it, fulfilling some of the fantasies can please her like never before. Whether she fantasizes about a hero fireman, a strong figure or a kinky doctor, try and fulfil all her fantasies! It will be fun and she’ll want to have sex much more often! For more sex position ideas check out ‘The 6 best sex positions to make her orgasm every time‘.
Be Adventurous And Spontaneous

Just like men, women get horny in the most unusual times. Sex should always be fun for both parties and being spontaneous will make your partner more pleased and satisfied. Whether you’re driving at night or you’re coming home from the beach, make a quick stop to a secluded place and have a quickie!
Being spontaneous when it comes to sex is very exciting. It doesn’t mean that you have to have sex every time you go out or take a long drive, but surprising her in the most unexpected moments will improve your sex life significantly. For more ideas of exciting places to have sex check out my ‘top 20 outside sex spots for exciting public sex in 2021‘.
Sexting Is Severely Underrated

Indeed, some women don’t enjoy sexting, but it’s a very good way to prepare your partner for a kinky night of erotica and passion. Sending random sexts during the day can improve the overall outcome of your night together and you’ll always let her know you’re thinking of her. If you start sending kinky texts as soon as you leave for work, you’ll both get a few naughty ideas you can turn into reality as soon as you see each other again.
Sexting isn’t a science so don’t be afraid to send a kinky text from time to time. All you need to do is to tell her what you’re thinking about. Most of the time, you’ll trigger a positive reaction, especially if you’re thinking about something she also likes and usually thinks about. It won’t be perfect at first, but the more you do it, the better it will become. For more tips on sexting check out my ‘how to sext: everything you need to know to start sexting in 2021‘ blog post.
Include Sex Toys At Random Occasions

Different sex toys can spice up your sex life and make your partner satisfied like never before. Don’t be limited only to dildos or vibrators, but try and explore all the options you have. Some women have fantasies about being with two men at the same time but can’t imagine themselves going through with that kind of adventure. Using a butt plug or dildo can make a woman feel like she’s having sex with two men at once and just imagining it will make her unbelievably satisfied. I’ve tried it and it’s the next best thing to having a naughty MMF threesome! Check out the best sex toys in my post ‘24 Best Sex Toys for Couples In 2021 – Take a Woman’s Advice‘.
Here’s a few tips to help spice up your sex game and set you on a track for satisfying the special women in your life! Putri x