25 Tips for Having an Awesome One-Night Stand (or More)
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One-night stands can be incredible if done right. But, many people mess things up during a one-night stand. The reason for that is they are not prepared for it beforehand. So, before you decide to have a one-night stand, you should learn about it.

Now, before I tried my first one-night stand, I had no idea what I was up to. But, the experience was fascinating. After that, I had my fair share of one-night stand experiences. So, I think I am the right person to enlighten you about this incredible sexual experience that you can have with a one-night stand. 

Yes, you go to the nightclubs and find an attractive guy or a lady and you go to his or her home or he or she takes you to a place and you two have sex that is what a one-night stand is about, right? Well, it’s not that simple because you have to take care of a lot of things to have an incredible one-night stand.

That is why in this article, I will help you to understand how you can also have an incredible one-night-stand experience. Hello! This is Putri Cinta and here are 25 tips for having an awesome one-night stand (or something even more). 

1.   Cleanliness and Hygiene

If you are planning to have the one-night stand at your place, then before you bring him or her home, make sure that the place is clean. At times, a messy surrounding can be a real turn-off for sex. So, make sure you clean your place before planning a one-night stand. 

2.   Stay Prepared for Sex

When you are planning for a one-night stand, you know that you will end up having sex. So, it is better to prepare yourself before everything starts. You should take some personal care making sure that your private parts are ready to be exposed. Also, have condoms and other necessary things like lubricants within your arm’s length. 

3.   Avoid Having Any Expectation

If you are having a one-night stand, you might have huge expectations for the encounter. Almost everyone has this (I had it too). You shouldn’t have such huge expectations because it can end with disappointments. So, take things as it happens without imagining in your head. 

4.   Make Him or Her Feel Comfortable

If you are bringing him or her to your place, you should make the person feel comfortable. Remember, if that person is not comfortable, you may end up not having sex at all that night. So, do this to save your one-night stand. 

5.   Make Him or Her Horny

I know that some people are so eager to have sex that they jump onto the other person with the slightest chance during a one-night stand. It results in shorter and unsatisfactory sex which you don’t want. So, give time to foreplay to make your one-night stand partner horny. 

6.   One Orgasm during Foreplay

Do you know that most women may not have orgasms during sex? When it comes to one-night stands, this number rises even further. So, if you are a man, make sure you give at least one orgasm to your female partner during a one-night stand before you start pumping her. 

7.   Let Things Flow

If you keep your true persona restrained, you will never have the real pleasure of a one-night stand. So, it is better if you let things go and focus on the moment. This will make sure the one-night stand experience is truly incredible. 

8.   Domination

Women love to get dominated and being a woman, I can tell that. But, some men also love to add a bit of roughness during sex. So, if you two can mutually agree to add some roughness, things can get much steamier in bed during a one-night stand. 

9.   Dirty Talk

Look, dirty talks are very personal. Some people love it and some find it repulsive. So, if you want to add some dirty talks during your one-night stand, start with things that will not offend your partner. If he or she reciprocates, then you can go for it. 

10.                 Avoid Pretending What You Are Not

Some people try to behave like a porn star while having a one-night stand. It is quite damaging to your experience because, at a one-night stand, you want to open up and have fun. So, don’t pretend to be someone you are not. 

11.                 Know the Things You Should and Should Not Say

There are things that you should and should not say during a one-night stand. You need to remember that you want to keep your one-night stand partner at that moment. So, don’t ask him or her anything that will make the person think. Just ask or say things which he or she can answer in yes or not. 

12.                 Don’t Try to Perform At Your Best

Some people want to have their best performance in bed during a one-night stand. I have seen many men who want to perform way better than what they can do naturally. It makes the one-night stand boring and something that anyone would want to forget. 

13.                 Keep the Sex Long Enough for You to Enjoy

The most exciting part of a one-night stand is sex. So, make sure that the sex is long enough for both the partner to enjoy and remember. So, keep yourself healthy so that you can last longer in bed. 

14.                 Add a Little Bit of Emotion to the Afterplay

If you want to have sex again with your one-night stand partner, then you should compliment him or her. This will increase your chances of having sex again. Also, adding a little bit of emotion to sex is good for intimacy. 

15.                 How to Leave without Hurting Your One-Night Stand Partner

Leaving your one-night stand partner after sex is a difficult thing. But, you can;

  • Complement your one-night stand partner
  • Tell him or her that you are in a hurry

This will make things a lot easier for you.

16.                 How to Get Your One-Night Stand Partner Out of Your House

For this, you need to;

  • Get dressed in the morning
  • Start your morning routine

It will make your one-night stand partner that you would want him or her to leave the place. Also, for courtesy, you can drop her at the nearest transport location or book a cab.

17.                 What about Morning Sex?

After having sex with your one-night stand partner at night, if you still want to have sex again, then nothing can be great than morning sex. So, start from the beginning just the way you did when you started having sex.

18.                 Can the One-Night Stand Be a Relationship?

Yes, for many people, a one-night stand can turn out to be the beginning of their relationship. So, if you find that connection, then why not?

19.                 Should You Add Him or Her on Social Media?

Look, if your one-night stand partner is showing interest in you, then you can think about adding him or her on your social media accounts. Otherwise, definitely not!

20.                 One-Night Stand with an Acquaintance: A Good or Bad Idea?

It can be a good thing but you have to make sure that you both are on the same page. Otherwise, things can get uglier. 

21.                 Feelings You Can Have after a One-Night Stand?

Most people will have regrets after a one-night stand. But, in my opinion, you should not feel regret because you have the right to enjoy your sex life. Also, it will help you to make your relationship better in the future. 

22.                 Don’t Get Drunk 

The one thing that you will have in your mind when you think about a one-night stand is sex. If you get drunk, you will neither enjoy nor please the partner you will be with. So, don’t get drunk. 

23.                 Zip Your Mouth about the One-Night Stand

Men often like to brag about their one-night stands. But, if you do that, others will feel that you are unreliable. So, don’t do this at all as you should keep your sex life private. 

24.                 Avoid Taking Pictures on Your One-Night Stand

You might want to capture pictures during your one-night stand but this is not a good idea because it can raise complications in your life later. 

25.                 Never Even Think about Unprotected Sex

Unprotected sex at a one-night stand is a horrible idea. It’s not only about pregnancy. You can get an STD from your one-night stand partner because you barely know him or her. So, never think about unprotected sex during a one-night stand. 

The Bottom Line

Finally, a one-night stand can be a great experience for you if you follow the tips I have given. You can go to a nightclub and find a partner and have sex with him and her. It will make your sex life better. And, the more you are active in your sex life the better you will perform in bed when you get into a serious relationship with the man or woman you love. So, one-night stands can help you to live a better life. 

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