How to Finger a Woman: Everything You Need to Know (2022)
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Yes, I know you want to see the fountain in your girlfriend’s pussy while you finger, right? However, the more you fuck her with your fingers; you fail to see that sight of juices flowing out like waterfalls. I know such girls really fail to find the pleasure they want from their orgasms. 

Now, here is one thing you need to know and that is, fingering a girl is an art and you have to master it if you want to please your girl by inserting fingers inside her pussy. If you don’t have any clue about this art or think fingering is just going to and fro by inserting fingers inside the vagina, then you are not the only man who thinks like that. I know a lot of men who thinks about fingering the same way. 

However, with proper knowledge and understanding of the technique, you can finger your girl and give her the pleasure she seeks as well. Now, here you might think that knowing what to do while fingering a woman is enough to give her pleasure. 

But, remember, you have to be flawless during fingering and that is why only knowing what to do may not be enough. That is why you should also know the mistakes that most men make while fingering their woman. In this way, you will have a comprehensive overview of fingering a woman and you could end up mastering the art as well. So, now, let’s see the things you should do and never do while fingering a woman. 

Top 7 Mistakes Men Make while Fingering a Woman

Let’s begin with some of the mistakes that men generally make while fingering a woman. 

1.    Avoiding the Clit

The clitoris is an important part of a women’s vagina. While you are fingering her, your main goal has to be stimulating the clitoris which most men don’t realize. As a girl, I can say that it is a very frustrating thing to do. So, never ever avoid the clitoris if you want to please your girl. 

2.    Having Sharp and Long Finger Nails

If you have sharp fingernails when you enter your girl’s pussy, you could end up scratching the inside of her vagina. It can be very painful for her. It is one experience I would never want to have. That is why you cannot have long and sharp fingernails. 

3.    Fast Fingering

You have to finger her pussy in a rhythm. If you start banging her pussy from the beginning, she will never enjoy it. No girl would like that and I can say that because I am a girl and I know what girls would love. That is why fast fingering which you see in many porn videos is a big mistake. 

4.    Failing to Remember to Finger

Many men don’t care about foreplay. They just want to get their dick out and take off the panties of their women and start banging. It is wrong because you are not giving any pleasure to your girl. That is why never forget to have foreplay and always finger her pussy properly to make the playground ready for your penis to play. 

5.    Replicating Fisting Scenes from Porn

Yes, in many porn videos, you will watch porn stars taking a huge fist inside their pussy. It is like a giant pink hole that the girl is carrying inside her. But, in real life, this will not happen and if you try to fist her, she might get injured. So, avoiding fisting will be the right choice. 

6.    Not Using Lubes

It is important to use a lube while fingering your partner. When you enter your partner’s pussy, she might not be too much wet down below. So, inserting your finger will be tough for you and painful for her. However, I have seen many men making the mistake of not using the lube and inserting the finger forcefully even though the partner is screaming in agony. It will make the girl distaste fingering forever. That is why not using lubes can be a big mistake. 

7.    Looking to Find the Clit and Failing Miserably

I know so many men who have no clue as to where a woman’s clit is. They will read that stimulating the clit is important. So, while fingering they will spend the bulk of their time stimulating the clit and not focusing on other areas. Therefore, they will fail miserably in not only finding the clit of that girl but also in giving the pleasure she is looking to get. So, solely focusing on finding the clit will be a big mistake that you would want to avoid. 

7 Things You Have to Do to Finger a Woman and Give Her Pleasure

Here are some of the things that you have to do while fingering your girl. You can rest assure it will make your girl very happy. 

1.    Get Her in the Mood

Before you insert your finger inside your girl’s pussy, you have to get her in the mood. If she is not feeling like having sex, there is no way you can make her happy in bed. So, you need to get her in the mood before you start fingering her. I have seen many men not caring about the mood of their girl which is wrong and you should never do that. 

2.    Touch Her Where She Enjoys the Most

As her partner, you probably have a better idea as to where she likes to have touches from you. Look, some girls like to get touched on the breasts, or ass, or even pussy. So, to get her in the mood, touch and caress the most sensitive parts of her body. She will be ready after that you let your fingers get inside her pussy.

3.    Never Bang Her with Your Fingers

You will see in a porn movie that the boy just puts the fingers inside the pussy and start banging. This is probably the worst thing that you can do while fingering. While fingering, you should never ever replicate a porn scene. Now, by banging her with your fingers, you will be doing that. Let me tell you no girl likes to get banged with fingers down below. It is about the sensations she cares for. So, never ever finger fuck her hard inside the pussy. 

4.    Switch Positions while Fingering

Do you know there are most positions in which you can finger her pussy? Yes, and you should try to execute those positions. If you continue to finger her in the same position, things will get boring. However, switching positions will make things more adventurous. That is why it is important to switch positions because girls enjoy it too. 

5.    Cut and Shape Your Finger Nails to Prevent Scratches

If you have a habit of keeping large fingernails, then you have to cut them off if you want to finger your girl. As you know, inserting a finger with large nails inside the vagina might scratch the delicate skin there. It will cause a lot of pain for her. Also, it can cause a very serious injury to her. That is why before fingering her, you have to cut off your large fingernails first. 

6.    Wash Hands before Inserting Fingers

Before you enter your fingers inside the vagina of your partner, you should always wash your hands. It is something you have to do if you are intending to finger your partner. The vagina is a chemically sensitive part of a woman’s body. So, if you finger her without washing your hands and the chemicals go off balance, then you might be in trouble because she may not be able to have sex for a week. That’s how dangerous it is if you don’t wash your hands. So, every time from now, whenever you intend to touch her pussy, please wash your hands. 

7.    Start Slowly with a Rhythm

Fingering sometimes depends on the rhythm. When you are inserting the finger inside the pussy of your partner, you should start off with a slow rhythm. It does not mean that by fingering her in a slow rhythm, she will feel good. You need to know the right pace at which you need to finger. For that, keep your focus on her. If you start fingering her at a fast pace, you will not be able to notice at which pace she likes the most. That is why it is a mistake. But, if you keep increasing the pace by starting slowly, you will be able to understand the right speed for her. 

The Bottom Line

Finally, these are some of the most important things you should know about fingering a girl, take it from me Putri Cinta. As you can see, you have to avoid the mistakes and do the necessary things that you need to do to make her happy by fingering. So, follow these insights of fingering a girl from a girl’s point of view because these will be perfect to make your girl satisfied. 

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